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Attracting talent

In and out of the classroom

Politecnico di Milano supports employers in their search for talent at Politecnico di Milano, through employer branding services that take place inside and outside of the classroom.

Candidate Search

The Career Service of Politecnico di Milano supports employers with recruitment services, that include online job posting, candidate search and recruitment events. Polimi graduates are highly employed from graduation day, therefore it is advisable to reach and attract them early on, with employer branding activites.

2023 data

Job offers

New graduates on the market

Employer Branding

Politecnico di Milano partners with private and public companies that wish to have visibility among students in order to enhance reputation and meet future talents, mainly through:

  • a calendar of over 400 career events, including: round tables, competitions, career simulations and games, mentoring events, etc.
  • the design of special employer branding projects

All activites are planned and guided by the Career Service, in collaboration with faculty. Employers can participate withing the framework of a partnership with the Career Service.

2023 Data

Events with employers

Employers on campus


Companies may host students pr graduates as interns. The Politecnico supports the company through both candidate search services and administration support.

2023 data

Internships in company

Teaching Collaboration

Companies may collaborate in education through internships and experiental learning in the classroom: a variety of degree programs offer company involvement to allow students to gain practical experience on real-life challenges.

Job Fairs

The Career Days of Politecnico di Milano are a few very special days during the year when hundreds of employers meet and network with thousands of students.

  • Career Day – May: The largest job fair of Politecnico di Milano, the place to meet and network with thousands of
    future engineers, architects and designers
  • Career Day International – October: For companies offering jobs and internships outside Italy
  • Career Day Small and Medium Enterprises - November: 1:1 interviews for small and medium businesses