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Campus and services

Equal opportunities and inclusion

Be an increasingly welcoming and inclusive place, guarantee equal opportunities and enhance the uniqueness of people thanks to specific actions that deconstruct stereotypes and fight all forms of unfair discrimination, with great attention to the physical and psychological well-being of the entire polytechnic community

Piano strategico di Ateneo

Our actions for equality and inclusion


Gender Equality

We value the uniqueness of each person and encourage measures in favor of gender equality, ensuring a welcoming environment, accompanying the polytechnic community in their academic and professional journey and bringing girls closer to STEM studies.



We value the uniqueness of each person and promote initiatives and actions to support multicultural integration.


Disabilities and spld

The university guarantees students with Disability and Learning Disabilities the right to education and training to enable them to get the most out of their academic experience.


Parental support

The university promotes the balance between family and professional responsibilities and the improved sharing of these responsibilities between parents through actions aimed at reconciling and balancing life, work and study.



The university promotes the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in university life through support, training and counselling policies and initiatives.


Protection against discrimination

The Politecnico di Milano strives to prevent and combat any kind of discrimination, whether direct or indirect.