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Exchange students - incoming

Programmes presentation

Erasmus+ Programmes

Politecnico di Milano has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for 2021-2027 and is taking part in the Erasmus+ programme that aims at supporting actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and of Sport.

Politecnico di Milano has more than 400 Erasmus+ partners covering almost all participating Countries.

Worldwide Exchange Programmes

Politecnico di Milano has signed Non-European agreements with about 160 partner universities from all over the world to enhance international cooperation in various fields. Through these exchange agreements students may attend courses in Milan which will be considered part of their curriculum at their own home university or develop their final project.

Exchange students willing to spend an exchange period at Politecnico have to verify with their home university if there is a specific agreement with Politecnico di Milano. Students selected for an exchange period at Politecnico di Milano are invited to complete the application in the online services within the deadline.

Double Degrees

Change, growth, flexibility, job opportunities. If you want to live a 360° experience, you can choose to study at the Polytechnic of Milan as part of a double degree program. We have more than 100 Double Degree agreements with prestigious universities around the world and over the last 30 years we have welcomed and graduated more than 2500 students from partner institutions around the world. If you want to participate in this program you must first ask the International Office of your home university if it has a double degree agreement with Polimi. With this programme, depending on the mobility scheme established by the agreement in force between your home university and Polimi, you attend, in two different phases, courses and related activities which will be recognized in terms of credits in both institutions.  During the last period of study you will develop a single thesis work supervised by the rerefent professors of the two universities which will lead you to obtain two degree diplomas, one from your home institution and the other from Polimi.

The Master of European Design (MEDes) is a unique network of 6 leading European design schools. During the five year programme (3+2), students are integrated into three design education systems and join a strong international community. This diverse experiences provide them with different approaches to design, multi-national perspectives and sensitivity to cultural differences.

Each Institution participating in the MEDes network offers a complete degree programme, and the MEDes experience is recorded in the Diploma Supplement. The Master degree with the MEDes specialization includes two years abroad in two different Partner Institutions, in addition to the major studies at the home institution. During their stay abroad the curricular contents follow the programmes of the partner schools.

The studies abroad are either in English or in the respective local language.

The members of the MEDes programme are:

  • GSA - Glasgow School of Art (Glasgow, Scotland)
  • KISD - Köln International School of Design (Cologne, Germany)
  • UIAH - University of Art and Design Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
  • Politecnico di Milano (Milano, Italy)
  • Les Ateliers/ENSCI (Paris, France)
  • Konstfack - University College of Arts Crafts and Design (Stockholm, Sweden)

MEDes website

GlobalE3 or Global Engineering Education Exchange (E3) was born in 1995 from the idea of ​​a group of prestigious universities from around the world which, recognizing the growing demand on the part of the global market for graduates in technical-scientific subjects with international experience, have formed a network to promote international student mobility. The Global E3 consortium is made up of more than 70 universities in 20 different countries, and is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York. This network includes 37 universities in the United States and 39 universities in the rest of the world, including the Politecnico di Milano.For more info see this page.

If you applied within the framework of GlobalE3 Network and have been selected by POLIMI to participate to an exchange period in Milan we warmly welcome you on board!

You will be enrolled as Incoming Exchange GlobalE3 student at POLIMI. In order to complete your registration you need first to complete your application at due time of the year. For all steps and tips and procedure to follow before, during and after your stay please consult this webpages dedicated to EXCHANGE STUDENTS.

Once completed, your application you will be automatically accepted by our International Mobility Unit.

If you need assistance please contact us to the address

For more info visit this webpage.