The information provided about the programme refers to the academic year 2024/25 and may be subject to change in the academic year 2025/26.
A strong undergraduate preparation is required both in general core disciplines (Mathematics, Physics, etc...), and in those specifically relating to Chemical Engineering and to Industrial Engineering.
Mission and goals
Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineers provide the leading-edge solutions to the society’s needs: we need efficient and clean technologies for energy transformation, technologically advanced materials, better medicines, efficient food production techniques, a clean environment, a better utilization of the natural resources. Chemical Engineering plays a pivotal role because all these challenges have a common denominator: they involve chemical processes. Chemical Engineers are the "engineers of chemistry": by making use of chemistry, physics and mathematics they describe the chemical processes from the molecular level to the macroscale (chemical plant), and design, operate, and control all processes that produce and/or transform materials and energy.
The programme includes mandatory courses on Chemical Reaction Engineering and on Applied Chemical Kinetics, Advanced Calculus, Industrial Organic Chemistry, Unit Operations of Chemical Plants, Mechanics of Solids and Structures, Applied Mechanics.
Eligible courses, to be selected by the students, include Chemical Plants and Unit Operations, Safety, Process Design, Catalysis, Material Science, Numerical Methods, Environmental Protection, Food Production, Energy, Biomaterials, ect.
A proper selection of the eligible courses will lead to specialization in Process Engineering, Project Engineering or Product Engineering.
Career opportunities
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Chemical Engineering completes the basic preparation of the bachelor chemical engineer and provide guided paths towards high-level professional profiles which are employed in various industrial sectors including the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, biological and automotive industry; energy production and management; transformation and process industries; engineering companies designing, developing and implementing processes and plant; research centres and industrial laboratories; technical structures in Public Administration; environmental and safety consultancy firms.
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