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Study programs

Health Informatics

Accademic year 2024/2025
Level Master (equiv. to MSc)
Duration 2 Year
Milano Leonardo
Lingua English

MSc in collaboration with Vita-Salute San Raffaele University


A bachelor's degree and the passing of a mandatory entry test. More information here

Mission and goals

This two-year program, taught in English, aims to develop the most advanced informatics skills applied to the field of medicine, preparing highly sought-after professionals for today's and tomorrow's job market.

The realization of this revolution in medicine and biomedical research necessarily involves training new talents capable of integrating advanced computer science skills with a solid and broad understanding of the specific healthcare context.

Health Informatics is designed to train tomorrow's professionals through a targeted, integrated, multidisciplinary, theoretical-practical program where the blend of different worlds becomes a fundamental value for gaining a competitive edge in the job market.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Master's Degree in Health Informatics can find employment as Health Informatics consultants, Project Managers, Data analysts, IT analysts, Information Security Officers, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers, Chief Health Information Officers, Electronic Medical Record Keepers, Chief Information Officers, and Informatics Managers in numerous contexts such as:

  • Hospitals, research organizations, or public and private healthcare companies, in clinical or translational research, administrative, operational, and healthcare management;
  • Universities, companies, and industries, in multidisciplinary teams engaged in developing IT and AI tools for the healthcare sector;
  • Entrepreneurial sectors where the implementation, management, and analysis of healthcare big data or omics data are fundamental for the development and production of innovative IT tools at the service of care and wellbeing of the society;
  • Public entities or health and social security insurance companies;
  • Consultancy firms;
  • Healthcare IT companies.

Graduates in Health Informatics can also continue their academic journey, even abroad, towards an even higher level of university preparation by accessing PhDs and second-level university master's programs.

Application website

Health Informatics - how to apply
Study programs