Mission and goals
The Bachelor’s degree in Management and Production Engineering is the formal translation into a degree programme of the emerging professional figure of the manager-engineer. This figure has evolved naturally from the needs of industrialised world, as the engineer of change and innovation whose role is to plan and manage complex systems where there is a strong interaction between technical, economic and organizational variables.
Career opportunities
The Management and Production Engineer can operate in a wide range of organizations in many different functions. Most graduates in Management Engineering operate in Manufacturing and Logistic, Business management, Planning and Control, Planning and management of ICT systems, Sales and Marketing.
More info
The following information relate to the current academic year for your reference
Tracks and courses - Milano Bovisa Campus
Tracks and courses - Cremona Campus
Programme description - Milano Bovisa Campus
Programme description - Cremona Campus
Possible further education
Subject to evaluation of their curriculum, graduates in Management and Production Engineering can continue their studies in the Master of Science in Management Engineering. With admission always subject to curriculum evaluation, graduates may choose other Master of Science programmes or 1st level Specializing Masters.