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Italian qualification

Additional curricular requirements

Additional curricular requirements are exams that you must take before you can re-apply for admission to a Laurea Magistrale programme.

After you have applied for the Laurea Magistrale programme, check the result of the assessment by going to your Online Services > Admission to the Laurea Magistrale programme for students with Italian degrees: application, switching course, checking application result and enrolment.

If you see the entry 'preference positively assessed with additional curricular requirements' (purple dot), it means that you have to sit the exams indicated by the committee.
Register by clicking on the link 'Registration for Additional Curricular Requirements'.
After you have registered for the additional curricular requirements, wait a couple of hours to view the link 'Study plan for individual courses'.

Remember that you will have to re-apply to the Laurea Magistrale programme after you have passed the courses for the additional curricular requirements.

In addition to the additional curricular requirements assigned to you, if you wish you can add further exams as individual courses up to a maximum limit of 80 ECTS per year, which,  in addition to the additional curricular requirements assigned following assessment of your application, may also include early courses on the Laurea Magistrale programme; these early courses must not exceed 32 ECTS per year.

Proceed by clicking on ‘Study plan for individual courses’ and add the courses you intend to take, together with the additional curricular requirements.

If the number of ECTS for both additional curricular requirements and individual courses totals more than 32, you will have to pay a variable second university fee instalment.
See the page: Fees for enrolling in individual courses Individual courses

Remember that you will have to re-apply to the Laurea Magistrale programme after you have passed the courses for the additional curricular requirements.

If you have paid the first instalment for a three-year degree programme and you register for additional curricular requirements following an application for admission to a Laurea Magistrale programme in the second semester, you will have to pay a new first instalment for the individual courses that have been assigned to you as additional curricular requirements.
You will only have to pay the first instalment if you add a maximum of 32 ECTS for both additional curricular requirements and any individual courses that you wish to add as early courses to the Laurea Magistrale programme.
If you add more than 32 ECTS for both additional curricular requirements and any individual early courses to the Laurea Magistrale programme, you will also have to pay a second instalment based on the table that can be found on the page Fees and contributions for individual courses.

The registration periods are as follows:

School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering

for AUIC-ARCH programmes

Landscape Architecture. Landscape Heritage.
Architettura Ambiente Costruito Interni
Architectural Design and History
Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Architettura e Disegno Urbano
Architettura-Architettura delle Costruzioni
Urban Planning and Policy Design

1st Semester: 5 to 11 september 2024
2nd Semester: 10 to 11 February 2025

for AUIC-ING programmes

Building and Architectural Engineering
Ingegneria Edile per la Sostenibilità
Architectural Engineering

1st Semester: 5 to 13 September 2024
2nd Semester: 10 to 17 February 2025


School of design

1st Semester: from 2 August to 3 September 2024


School of industrial and information engineering

1st Semester: 22 July to 13 September 2024
2nd Semester: 20 January to 26 February 2025


School of civil, environmental and land management engineering

1st Semester: 22 July to 13 September 2024
2nd Semester: 20 January to 26 February 2025

Once the registrations have closed, it will no longer be possible to enrol.

Enrolment in additional curricular requirements is not permitted for students who are active on an undergraduate or master's degree course at Politecnico di Milano, but only for graduate students.

If you are a candidate from another university other than Politecnico di Milano, you may enrol in the additional curricular requirements  to which you have been admitted, even if you have not already obtained your degree.

Go to Online Services and select 'Application for Laurea Magistrale programmes'. Click on the magnifying glass to see the details and in the title section click on 'edit' and then select the pencil icon: enter the date and grade, then confirm and continue.