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On arrival information

Residence permit

Non-EU Citizens

If you are a non-EU citizen, within 8 working days of your arrival in Italy, you have to complete a so-called “kit” to apply for a residence permit in the city where you’ll be living. The kit is available at all the post offices bearing a “Sportello Amico” sign, but will also be given to you during the welcome events preceding the beginning of each semester. Please ask your International Students Office/Desk of reference for further information.

The kit must be filled in and accompanied by copies of the following documents:

  • Copy of your passport with visa and personal data page.
  • A copy of your health insurance policy; health insurance bought abroad must be validated by the Italian Embassy in your country (if not already in English). You can also buy health insurance upon your arrival in Italy.
  • For Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students: copy of the admission letter issued by the Politecnico di Milano or FORM A/Modello A filled in at the Embassy or self-certification of enrollment to be generated through the Online Services, for students applying for the residence permit within the municipality of Milan. Students applying in different towns must provide a university enrollment certificate in Italian (to be collected at the Registrar’s office. The request must be done through the OnLine Services, with the modalities indicated here). 
  • For Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) students: FORM A/Modello A filled in at the Embassy or self-certification of enrollment to be generated through the Online Services for students applying for the residence permit within the municipality of Milan. Students applying in different towns must provide a university enrollment certificate in Italian (to be collected at the Registrar’s office. The request must be done through the OnLine Services, with the modalities indicated here); 
  • For NON-Eu Exchange students: a letter of acceptance to the exchange programme.

Students living in Milan must fill in the kit by adding the following address (page 3, 65. SEZIONE 7 - RECAPITO IN ITALIA DEL RICHIEDENTE): Via dei Mercanti, 8 - 20121 Milano. Students studying in the other Campuses can add their address at the time of the application submission.

At the Post Office you’ll be given a receipt which attests your residence permit request.

In order to check if your residence permit is ready to be collected, you can check either the website of the Police or the Immigration portal.

In addition to the notice displayed by this system on the status of your application, you’ll be informed via SMS about the day, time and place where you can collect your residence permit.

International students with a valid permit of stay are allowed to work for a maximum of 20 hours per week and 1,040 hours per year, but in order to obtain a residence permit renewal, they must pass the exams yearly.

EU citizens

If you are an EU citizen or come from EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), you must not apply for a residence permit. However, if you are going to stay in Italy for over a 3 months period, you should register with the Anagrafe (Register office) of your municipality of residence, by choosing one of the following registration options: 

A. Students who DO NOT intend to set their permanent residence in Italy

In order to register a temporary residence in Italy you need to submit the following documents to the Anagrafe office of your choice:

  • Passport or ID card and a copy
  • Original fiscal code and a copy
  • University enrollment certificate in Italian (to be collected at the Registrar’s office. The request must be done through the OnLine Services, with the modalities indicated here)
  • European Health Insurance Card issued by your country of residence and a copy
  • Proof of sufficient resources (minimum € 5825 for students with no family members to support), provided through modello EURO 1 self-certification (fill out point "b" only if with family members to support). As place of residence fill both your address in your country and your address in Milano

The temporary residence has 12 months' validity.

  • Anagrafe Central office: Municipio 1 - Area Servizio al Cittadino, via Larga 12,  20122 Milano - Refer to "Ufficio Stranieri" or go to the central Desks, taking the ticket letter "C" - Office hours: from Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 15:30
  • Other Anagrafe offices

B. Students who intend to transfer their permanent residence to Italy

(please verify with your country of origin which are the implications of transferring your residence permanently)

Register with the Anagrafe office sending an email to ServiziAlCittadino(at) (email subject: APR, Name and Surname), attaching the following documents:

  1. Copy of ID card
  2. Copy of “codice fiscale”
  3. University enrollment certificate in italian (to be collected at the Registrar’s office. The request must be done through the OnLine Services, with the modalities indicated here)
  4. Proof of health insurance (S1 form/private health insurance with 1 year validity/voluntary registration to the Italian national health system. The European health insurance card is not sufficient)
  5. Proof of sufficient resources (minimum € 5825 for students with no family members to support), provided through modello EURO 1 self-certification (fill out point “b” only if with family members to support)
  6. Statement of residence, provided through Dichiarazione di residenza self-certification
    1. For filling in the first paragraph on page 4 it is necessary to contact the apartment owner
    2. Students who are renting a room/flat must fill their rental contract data at point 2, page 4


Further info

Residence permit renewal

In case of renewal of the residence permit, you will be asked to fill out the kit to apply for a residence permit (module 1 only), which is available at the Post Office. The Kit must be handed in at the Post Office together with the following documents:

  • A valid passport with visa + copy of the page with personal data and dates of validity and expiration of the document
  • A copy of your stay permit
  • Copy of the documentation certifying the availability of adequate financial resources: about € 5825 (e.g. scholarship certification and print out of your bank account)
  • Your transcript of records with proof of 1 exam successfully passed in case of the 1st renewal and 2 exams successfully passed for each following renewal. If you are asking for a renewal after having completed all your exams, you should include, in the notes of your certificate, which are the final degree presentation sessions you can take advantage of (usually, April, July, October, December).
  • Your health insurance

Cost of the residence permit

  • € 16,00 “marca da bollo” (a stamp that can be purchased at any tobacconist with a “T” sign out of the shop) to be put on the residence permit application
  • € 30 to be paid at the second step of the procedure, when handing in the Kit to the Post Office
  • € 70,46 to be paid at the Post Office to get the Electronic Residence Permit

Residence permit while awaiting employment

Non-EU students who have obtained their Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science), Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science), a level 1 or 2 Specializing master’s degree or a PhD, will be able to convert their study permit into a one-year residence permit while awaiting employment. Before doing so, they must register in the jobseeker’s list of the Centro per l’Impiego (Job Centre) in the city they live in. This permit can be changed (during its year of validity) into a residence permit with a right to work.

Documents needed

  1. Application filled in and signed by the interested party (Modules 1 and 2);
  2. Complete photocopy of passport or other equivalent document;
  3. Certificate of the statement made to the employment office (formerly registration on employment lists).


  • The loss of a job does not lead to the withdrawal of a residency permit.
  • The alien with a residency permit for subordinate employment who loses his job, even when dismissed, may be registered on the Employment Centre list for the remaining validity of the residency permit, and nevertheless for a period no less than six (6) months.

For legal reference

  • Art. 22 of Legislative Decree no. 286/98 and subsequent amendments
  • Art. 37 of Presidential Decree 394/99 and subsequent amendments