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Anna Corti and Chiara Trovatello receive the Young Talents Italia Award - L’Oréal Italia UNESCO for Women and Science

The recognition for talented young Italian scientists

[Translate to English:] Le premiate Young Talents Italia - L’Oréal Italia UNESCO per le Donne e la Scienza
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Two researchers at the Politecnico di Milano are among the six winners of the 22nd Italian edition of the Young Talents Italia Award - L’Oréal Italia UNESCO for Women and Science.
In Italy, from 2022 to 2023, the “L’Oréal Italia per le Donne e la Scienza” programme awarded 6 scholarships, worth 20.000€, every year, for a total of 112 scholarships. Starting with this 22nd edition, in agreement with the jury, scholarships have become real prizes: a concrete support for young female researchers who will be able, thanks to the award, to carry out their research and project in Italy.

The jury, composed of a panel of University professors and scientific experts and chaired by Professor Lucia Votano, affiliated Research Director at the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, selected the deserving female researchers for their projects after careful evaluation. Among them, Anna Corti and Chiara Trovatello.

Anna Corti, a biomedical engineer and researcher, is specialized in the development of predictive models of cardiovascular risk based on the integration – using Artificial Intelligence techniques – of elements of computational biomechanics and methods of advanced analysis of medical images. She is carrying out her project PRISM (Predicting high-Risk carotId plaqueS: a radioMechanical profiling) at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering.

Chiara Trovatello is an experimental physic specialized in the study of optical properties of biodimensional material, such as graphene. Her research is about photonics, in particular lasers, and uses ultrafast spectroscopy and nonlinear optics techniques to explore these new materials that are revoluzioning the world of opto-electronics and quantum communications. materials at the Department of Physics.She is carrying out her project on quantum entanglement with low-dimensional semiconductor 

In the picture, from the left: Veronica Nava, Anna Corti, Bernadette Basilico, Federica Fabbri, Giada Peron, Prof. Lucia Votano, Affiliated Research Director at the National Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ninell Sobiecka, President and CEO L'Oréal Italia, Chiara Trovatello.