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Framework Agreement with FAI Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano

On protection of Italy's historical, artistic, landscape and intangible heritage

The signatories of the agreement
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The Framework Agreement between Politecnico di Milano and FAI Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano ETS (Fund for Italian Environment), the first of its kind signed with a Milanese university, was presented. The Rector, Donatella Sciuto, the President of FAI Milano Delegation, Andrea Rurale, and the Delegate of the Rector’s Delegate for Cultural Activities, Davide Fassi, attended the event.

The agreement defines the common areas of intervention, first and foremost the protection of Italy's historical, artistic, landscape and intangible heritage.

The purpose is to involve Politecnico's professors and especially students in participating in FAI events (FAI Spring and Autumn Days and other occasions) as storytellers, making their cultural and scientific background accessible to the public. This means increasingly opening up the university to the local area by disseminating research results and ongoing projects, as well as accompanying visitors to discover the Politecnico in its various activities and places.

The Politecnico di Milano, historically the first university in Milan, is committed to maintaining a tradition that is made up of technology, culture and beauty. The university, a leading social player, has a direct relationship with the territory and its heritage. It is in tradition that innovation is born. It is with respect for the past that we look to the future.

Donatella Sciuto, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano

At a later stage, the joint activities may also evolve towards research and projects focusing on "FAI sites" or common topics related to the protection of the historical, environmental and intangible heritage, also through the establishment of grants.

The FAI, with the Milan Delegation, will support the training activities with ad hoc courses to bring students closer to the dissemination of knowledge to a heterogeneous audience and will be able to collaborate with the Politecnico in activities related to social responsibility.

The agreement with FAI will find finalization through implementation agreements signed with Departments, Schools, Archives, Laboratories of Politecnico di Milano etc. The first of these implementation agreements is with the Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABC): 12 doctoral students will be involved during the upcoming FAI events; an agreement with the Department of Design is also underway.

Through this agreement with FAI, the University is committed to promoting initiatives that improve and complete the academic and professional training of students, the experimentation of new teaching methods, and research collaborations in an approach open to citizens and the community.

Donatella Sciuto, Rector of the Politecnico di Milano