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New Master of Science programme in Health Informatics

Politecnico di Milano and Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele together for the Health-Tech revolution

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The new Master of Science programme in Health Informatics results from the strategic collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. It will start in the next academic year 2024-2025 to develop advanced informatics skills applied to the field of medicine.

The study course aims at training professionals capable of leading one of the greatest revolutions in medicine and scientific research, determined by the wide development of advanced informatics and Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector. This change necessarily requires new talents, capable to integrate advanced computer science skills with a solid and broad knowledge of the healthcare context.

The programme is multidisciplinary and involves extensive use of practical activities at UniSR and Polimi laboratories and research centers. It offers a particularly important "training ground" for education and practice: the UniSR/OSR Artificial Intelligence Center "AI-HUB", that has a digital platform, developed by UniSR in collaboration with Microsoft, which greatly enhances the use of big data from the real-clinical-world to develop Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Health Informatics is a Laurea Magistrale programme in Informatics that aims at training mature professionals who can be protagonists in the IT-digital revolution that healthcare is going through. The programme enables the development of transversal skills, which a computer science graduate achieves, on average, 3 to 4 years after entering the world of work. This peculiarity, which makes this degree course unique and different from all those that currently exist, lies in its genesis, which is the result of the strategic union between the technological excellence of Politecnico di Milano and the strength in biomedical – translational and high-tech – research of Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, conducted in synergy with the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, the most important Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalisation and Healthcare in Italy. For this reason, I like to say that Health Informatics is, in Italy, the first computer science degree really done in a hospital.

Antonio Esposito, ordinario di radiologia

The new Laurea Magistrale programme in Health Informatics is designed to train professionals capable of leading the digital transformation in the healthcare sector, thanks to the integration of advanced skills in computer science and Artificial Intelligence with a deep medical knowledge. The interdisciplinarity of the programme, supported by a solid path in cutting-edge laboratories, will make our graduates ready to face challenges and to seize opportunities of the healthcare of the future.

Anna Maria Paganoni e Gianpaolo Cugola, docenti del Politecnico di Milano

Opening of registration for admission test: 1st July
Language: English
Eligibility: it will be able to access to the programme both from three-year degrees or five-year single-cycle degrees in the STEM field, and degrees in the field of biology and medicine
Subjects: statistics, data classification and processing, epidemiology, etiological mechanisms, disease diagnosis and treatment, and the analysis and design of clinical studies, development of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Neural Networks algorithms, biomedical imaging, opportunities offered by wearable devices
Career opportunities: graduates of the Master's Degree in Health Informatics can find employment as Health Informatics consultants, Project Managers, Data analysts, IT analysts, Information Security Officers, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers, Chief Health Information Officers, Electronic Medical Record Keepers, Chief Information Officers, and Informatics Managers in numerous contexts such as hospitals, research organizations, or public and private healthcare companies, Universities, companies and industries, entrepreneurial sectors, public entities or health and social security insurance companies, consultancy firms, healthcare IT companies.